How Has Technology Affected Human Behavior? (Guest Blog by JaguarPC)

The following guest post comes to us from JaguarPC, a web hosting services company based out of Colorado Springs and the original leader in VPS hosting. Enjoy their following insights and be sure to visit their bio below to connect with them on the web!


Technology has never been more influential than it is today. Many people find themselves in a situation where they feel like they cannot exist without technology. How many of us have a work colleague or a teenage child who appear on the verge of a nervous breakdown whenever they realize they need to spend some time without their iPhone? Throw tablet devices into the mix and pair it with the almost blanket 24/7/365 internet coverage that we enjoy, and we start to understand just how important technology is, and why people are so reliant upon it.

Often, we laugh at individuals who get themselves in this position, without ever really considering the role that technology plays. There is no doubt that technology has influenced our human behavior. The question we must ask now is, “What have we gained – and lost – from these technological advancements?”


Technology Makes Us More Productive

Make no mistake; although many people look at technology through a negative set of eyes, there are many ways in which it plays a positive role in our lives. What often passes by without discussion is the ways in which we can use technology as individuals at work.

The increasing use of cloud storage software is probably the best example of this, particularly in terms of employees who can work at home, or those who work in the field. Think about an employee who works in client sales. Instead of flicking through a ragged looking folder, they can now access all their business documents on a tablet or smartphone.

The crucial point here is that employees will become more confident, empowered by the faith they have in their technology. Whether they are responsible for securing high value sales or sending basic follow up emails, technology empowers and makes people more productive.

Technology Erodes Social Skills

From the positive of productivity to one of the more common global gripes about technology. Does it really erode social skills? You’d probably have to say only among certain groups. For example, people who use technology from a social media perspective to facilitate easier meetings with their friends would be fine. Those who use it to avoid any actual personal contact, in contrast, will undoubtedly see an erosion in social skills. Anyone on the outside can see it, too. Just speak to someone who is an avid user of social media, and uses it in preference to personal contact, and you’ll notice the difference.

Does Technology Make Us Unhappy?

There have been numerous studies that have looked at the psychological impact of someone “unfriending” you on Facebook, for example, or carrying out the equivalent action on another social platform. Think about how people are made to feel by the number of likes they receive or other social shares, and it becomes clear that technology does indeed make us unhappy.

However, this again has to be linked with the ways people use social media and other technology, as well as to the fact we now live in more of an instant gratification society than ever before. Technology only makes us unhappy because it has become such a big part of the way we live.

There is no question that technology has changed human behavior, with both positive and negative consequences. Do you agree? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

JaguarpcAbout the Author: Based out of Colorado Springs, CO, JaguarPC has been touted as the “world’s most trusted and experienced hosting company” for its ability to provide high-quality internet hosting solutions to small and medium-sized businesses, government agencies, prominent individuals and non-profit organizations worldwide and is the original leader in VPS Hosting. JaguarPC’s core portfolio comprises information technology and business hosting services, as well as programming services. Learn more about JaguarPC’s highly respected services at!

20 thoughts on “How Has Technology Affected Human Behavior? (Guest Blog by JaguarPC)

  1. John Naisbitt of the Megatrends fame predicted a high-tech/ high touch society. Meaning the technology would free people up from the manual labor and be instead more in touch with each other. Safe to say that the jury is still out on this prediction.

    1. I agree – I’m not sure we’ve taken this “high-tech/high-touch” and used it to make ourselves more connected with each other. In many ways and for many reasons, we’ve used it as a crutch to become more disconnected/lazy. As always, it will be interesting to see what the future brings!

  2. Technological determinism is one of my favorite subjects of study. This article is splendid. Although the article does not directly relate to technological determinism, it can be used as a very rich and contemporary resource. In researching technological determinism, one should count on the papers and books published mostly during the mid 20th century. However, I feel we need more insights from the contemporary digital era. Behavioral analyses around evolution of technology and society in a parallel manner is extremely important because only such a perspective can provide us with meaningful methods of contextualizing sociology in the realm of information systems. Per se, I am really grateful for this article and I cannot think of it as jsut another blog post. I hope I will see more of similar articles here.

  3. Reblogged this on Academic Avenue and commented:
    Contextualizing technological determinism in digital world is necessary so that this area of sociology can be enriched and expanded appropriately. Behavioral studies can add to enrichment, and psychological exploration can provide better comprehension of social networks.

    1. Thank you for reblogging this article and for your insightful comments! I am certainly not an expert in technological determinism, but find the subject very interesting as well. I look forward to reading more of your thoughts. –Stephanie

  4. Hi I’m looking to make a documentary on the effects of human behavior and how technology has changed how we act. I was wondering your views on technology having a negative impact on day to day life? As an example, say you leave your house and see a person on the street with their phone or camera pointed directly at you. What is your first reaction? Anger? Surprise?

    1. Sounds like a very interesting documentary! To answer your question, I would definitely feel first annoyed and like my space was invaded at first. I would try to be sure it wasn’t a mistake (like they were taking a selfie and not a picture of me). If I found they were filming, I would likely approach them to engage them and try to learn why. Lucky for me, I live in a small town where that would be very uncommon. I could imagine that happening frequently in a big city with many people and distractions, you may hardly notice.

      You may also find my other blog helpful on this topic:

  5. Well, it impacts us in good ways and in bad ways; the same way globalization effects us in both good and bad ways. All gazets boost your unconscious to be more unconscious and conscious to be less conscious. he main and most important advantage of it being its ability to make our life easier every day and has helped us learn more about our world. With respect to technology, we justify its use regardless of how harmful it can be to the environment in the name of progress. Wrote great article on this.
    technology impact changed human lives

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