Adapting to Change: How Successful Entrepreneurs Stay Agile in a Dynamic Market

This guest article comes to us from Flexisource IT. Flexisource IT is your best gateway to top-caliber fully managed IT teams dedicated to servicing Australian businesses and startups to scale up and grow rapidly.

Entrepreneurship includes different methodologies in managing businesses that provide hard-earned efficient results. One of these methodologies is business agility. It is followed by companies that transform effortlessly and last longer than those unable to adapt to the dynamic changes the market continuously makes. Business agility is all about strengthening its structure regardless of environmental, social, global, or economic disruption.

The method itself gained a boost during the globally-affecting COVID-19 pandemic. An unprecedented change in the way the world interacted with each other forced many businesses unable to flexibly thrive under their circumstances to close. Meanwhile, those who constantly improved, survived, and even expanded during such changes remained thriving.

Why is staying agile essential in a dynamic market?

Nothing is set in stone. Business adaptability is required to survive in unexpected events that could change the way a company operates. Staying agile amidst turmoil is the key to staying ahead and thriving within the market and against your competitors.

Business agility is the exact method that is used to prevent the discontinuation of a company due to the inability to accept changes. However, the larger a company becomes, the more infrequent changes are hard to adjust to. Fostering agility and instilling it within the company and its employees will prevent setbacks, eventually building an impenetrable form of business resilience.

6 Strategies for Building Agility

How does one maintain a sense of agility and continue to expand services? Growth is essential for a business and agility prevents the halt of growth. To successfully maintain agility, a company must continuously follow strategies.

Remember, some companies may believe they are maintaining a business agility mindset but could potentially only affect a singular department rather than the business as a whole. Ensure your company maintains this method with these six strategies that can help the growth of your business.

Enhance Flexibility

Business agility is the epitome of enhanced flexibility. Companies that wish to strengthen their resilience to unforeseen changes must learn to adapt easily and deal with unnecessary or necessary steps.

Being able to create an effective team strengthened to adjust within a short period is crucial to a company’s growth. An example of business adaptability at play is when market changes occur and the adaptation of new technology is required. A business using the agile method can exceed expectations by placing goals in short periods and grouping employees into teams.

The only way to train employees to produce results in a short period is to promote change. Natural resistance to changes based on their daily routine could halt the growth of a business. Prioritise updating and reworking strategies for improvement consistently for the employees to adopt the same mindset to enhance flexibility.

Encourage Innovation

Business agility requires consistent innovation within the team. Being able to share new ideas on products, services, or methods for employees can encourage team efforts in the growth and expansion of the business’ services or products.

Many companies tend to overlook the great ideas of their employees for the brand. Encourage innovation by freely listening and taking into consideration the possibilities of their innovative ideas that can greatly improve morale, speed up productivity, or even expand the ventures of the business.

Promote Collaboration

Business agility requires a lot of communication between teams, team leaders, managers, and the entire workplace hierarchy. However, there are some instances when communication is cut off or halted due to errors during a process. This is largely because collaboration isn’t put into play within communication.

Strategic planning can be fulfilled with collaboration to prevent any potential setbacks and miscommunication. By encouraging team effort, progress is continuously discussed between employees and reduces errors. As a result, the speedy adaptation of the new techniques, technologies, or other steps runs smoother.

Build Feedback Systems

Feedback is an absolute necessity regardless of what the business is servicing to achieve business agility. This is because only through feedback do brands understand what their clients require and their perspective on the brand’s quality and customer service.

Feedback doesn’t also just come from customers. Increase employee engagement by allowing feedback on their tasks with the structure of the company, and to voice their concerns or approvals regarding specific steps.

Data-Driven Decisions

Business Agility can come from data-driven decision-making as well. Making informed decisions to create a strategy within the business can create effective results. Data-driven decisions come from analytics gathered through engagement and results from campaigns or services.

How many people responded positively to an engagement? How many people were attracted to the product offered? If the results are less than expected, the decision will ultimately be to redo the campaign or product instead.

Decisions backed up by data also apply to the adoption of new technologies. Are AI-generated content recognized by search engines? If so, retracting from AI and returning to man-made content is better. Is Git Client proving useful for team developer collaboration? If so, have all developers familiarise themselves with Git Client.

These decisions aren’t opinion-based and create effective results to prevent any errors during adaptations and business growth.

Impenetrable IT Infrastructure

Business agility requires a resilient IT infrastructure to power through the quick changes and growth that result with this method. Without the security of the IT infrastructure, setbacks and potential errors could occur more frequently than desired.

Having a dedicated team that can secure your data without any compromises while collaborating with other departments promotes the quick growth that businesses would ideally like to have. The team itself needs to be professional, constantly learning, and meticulous in maintenance and upgrading.

What to Remember

Business agility is an ideal method for business resilience. Removing any room for doubt in the company’s survival during unforeseen setbacks that cannot be avoided. Preventing errors, adapting to change, collaborating, and other strategic ways lock in the continuous growth all businesses wish to have.

However, take note that business agility is not just a method, it’s a mindset. To instill this method into the company is to instill it into your employees. Encourage your company culture to become quick to change and flexible with their roles. Once perfected, the business agility method surpasses plausible events that could halt growth within a company.

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