Making Christmas A Celebration Not An Obligation: The essentials for reducing holiday stress

If the advertisements, TV specials, and store decorations aren’t enough of an indication – the holidays are here! And so begins the preparation and the stress that often accompanies this season. I have never decorated for Christmas before Thanksgiving and only once did I give in to Black Friday shopping (and believe me, that was … Continue reading Making Christmas A Celebration Not An Obligation: The essentials for reducing holiday stress

Making Christmas A Celebration Not An Obligation: The essentials for reducing holiday stress

If the advertisements, TV special and store decorations aren’t enough of an indication – the holidays are here! And so begins the preparation and the stress that often accompanies this time of year. I have never begun decorating before Thanksgiving and only once did I give in to Black Friday shopping (and believe me that … Continue reading Making Christmas A Celebration Not An Obligation: The essentials for reducing holiday stress

The Work-Life Imbalance

Often I come across an article or a quiz asking me to examine my “work-life balance.” It’s a term we should have all encountered by now – whether in a magazine, an HR seminar, even in a casual dinner conversation. To nod your head and affirm, “Of course, I have a great work-life balance,” carries … Continue reading The Work-Life Imbalance

Technology & Honesty: Hiding Behind A Mask?

Oscar Wilde was once quoted as saying, “Man is least himself when he walks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will tell you the truth.” It seems that even back when “text” was what made up a novel and a “tweet” was the sound of a bird; we have always felt … Continue reading Technology & Honesty: Hiding Behind A Mask?

Every Day Is An Interview

For most people, a job interview is something you have to do only periodically throughout your career. It’s that nerve-wracking moment where you’re sized up asked ambiguous questions about your teamwork and professional skills and then ultimately judged as to whether what you’re offering is worth hiring. Even if you’re fortunate enough to snag the … Continue reading Every Day Is An Interview

Leadership Finesse (Guest Blog by Mark Mathia)

The following blog post is part of the Bennis Blogger Battle. Support Mark by "Liking" this post, leaving a comment and sharing it on your social media! The blog with the most hits, wins. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are many formulas that lay claim as the best pathway toward great leadership. Just the other day a friend, … Continue reading Leadership Finesse (Guest Blog by Mark Mathia)