Adapting to Change: How Successful Entrepreneurs Stay Agile in a Dynamic Market

This guest article comes to us from Flexisource IT. Flexisource IT is your best gateway to top-caliber fully managed IT teams dedicated to servicing Australian businesses and startups to scale up and grow rapidly. Entrepreneurship includes different methodologies in managing businesses that provide hard-earned efficient results. One of these methodologies is business agility. It is … Continue reading Adapting to Change: How Successful Entrepreneurs Stay Agile in a Dynamic Market

5 Reasons Why Your Team is Failing at Project Management

Project management is the single most important aspect of bringing any idea or initiative to fruition. It will make or break progress; it will either drive a project over the finish line...or right over a cliff. Having worked with so many different teams of varying dynamics, styles, sizes, and industries, I can say confidently that … Continue reading 5 Reasons Why Your Team is Failing at Project Management

The (Often) Thankless Job of Technology

When COVID-19 hit, it caused a major shift in just about every aspect of our lives. One critical area was our expectations of technology and how it should meet our every desire quickly, easily, flexibly, and consistently. Ha! Weren't we in for a reality check? Don't get me wrong, the technology that exists to serve … Continue reading The (Often) Thankless Job of Technology

Collaborating with other Consultants: How to Grow Your Business by Working Together

If you consider yourself a consultant, contractor, freelance, or anything similar, it’s so important to know that there is a ton of value in teaming up with other consultants – whether it be in different industries or the very same industry in which you work. Although this may seem simple and obvious on the surface, … Continue reading Collaborating with other Consultants: How to Grow Your Business by Working Together

Motivation Through Appreciation (Contribution from freelance writer Jenny Holt)

The following post comes to us from Jenny Holt, who left her HR career behind to pursue freelance writing and to spend more time with her young daughters at home. This article is based upon her own entrepreneurial journey and communication expertise. A study by marketing expert, Brandon Gaille, shows that a massive 71% of … Continue reading Motivation Through Appreciation (Contribution from freelance writer Jenny Holt)

At the Intersection of Passion and Purpose

Over the last two years, I’ve taken my casual relationship with running and turned it into something more dedicated and committed. I feel stronger than I ever have in my life as I embrace this newfound passion for pushing my limits and accomplishing what I had always deemed “too hard” or “too uncomfortable.” My passion … Continue reading At the Intersection of Passion and Purpose

Examining the Foundation of Effective Teamwork (Guest Blog by Todd Shirley)

This week's post comes from returning guest blogger, Todd Shirley. Todd is a talented writer with a wealth of knowledge to share. I hope you are inspired to leave a comment or engage in conversation after reading this post. To learn more about Todd, please visit his biography at the end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Examining The Foundation … Continue reading Examining the Foundation of Effective Teamwork (Guest Blog by Todd Shirley)