Adapting to Change: How Successful Entrepreneurs Stay Agile in a Dynamic Market

This guest article comes to us from Flexisource IT. Flexisource IT is your best gateway to top-caliber fully managed IT teams dedicated to servicing Australian businesses and startups to scale up and grow rapidly. Entrepreneurship includes different methodologies in managing businesses that provide hard-earned efficient results. One of these methodologies is business agility. It is … Continue reading Adapting to Change: How Successful Entrepreneurs Stay Agile in a Dynamic Market

11 Things I wish I knew Sooner about Public Relations

When I chose to dedicate my studies, and ultimately my career to Public Relations, I had no idea what I was signing up for. And there are many days when I still feel like I am only scratching the surface of what I know about this industry. Yet, there are other days when I see … Continue reading 11 Things I wish I knew Sooner about Public Relations

What is Reputation Management?

When talking about an individual, your reputation is a huge piece of your personal brand. It's how your peers view your trustworthiness, credibility, accountability, and the value to bring to any given situation. Your reputation makes or breaks relationships, and can be the difference between seizing an opportunity or having it pass you by. Especially … Continue reading What is Reputation Management?

Applying Minimalism to Entrepreneurship

Before I even fully understood the concept of minimalism, I suppose you could say I was a minimalist at heart. Too much "stuff" - in any area of my life - overwhelmed me and caused stress. I never had issues with editing down my clothes, shoes, knick-knacks, and other belongings. In fact, I still find … Continue reading Applying Minimalism to Entrepreneurship

What Drives Your Career – Income or Impact?

On the first Monday of each month, I dust off a favorite post from the blog archives and give you another chance to enjoy the wit and wisdom that’s been shared. Enjoy this month’s treasure – and if it inspires you – be sure to share it with family and friends! We're all driven by something. Professionally … Continue reading What Drives Your Career – Income or Impact?

Changing the ‘Right’ Thing

As all the best intentions of New Year's resolutions begin to wane around this time of year, as all of our hopes for creating major, lasting change in our lives feel distant and low priority, I want to encourage you with this bit of wisdom. You don't need to change everything in your life, just … Continue reading Changing the ‘Right’ Thing

How to Inventory Your Time

Have you ever felt out of control with your time? Like everyone and everything was vying for this limited resource and you had little say over where it went? Like your time was being disrespected or wasted on things that weren't serving your mission? I see you. I am you! Time management is one of … Continue reading How to Inventory Your Time

Using Awards as a Public Relations Strategy

Awards can be a highly effective way to honor good work and inspire people to work to their highest potential. But certainly, not all awards are created equal. It seems like everywhere we turn there's an announcement for a new award opportunity, often tied to a submission fee which leaves you wondering whether the intent … Continue reading Using Awards as a Public Relations Strategy

To My Fellow Female Leaders…

Many of you have come to know that I speak (and write) passionately about the unique challenges of being a female entrepreneur. So when my friend, Christine Knapp, invited me to join a select group of fellow female leaders to share our perspectives with a worldwide audience, I jumped at the opportunity. What is most … Continue reading To My Fellow Female Leaders…

Who are you serving?

We all have a master, more likely masters, that we serve with our time and talents. Show me where you spend your time and I'll show you who is the master of your schedule. Our masters change throughout our life. In some seasons, masters may be our parents, caregivers, and teachers. As we are learning … Continue reading Who are you serving?